
SIA Approved contractor Logo


SecurTeam Limited currently holds SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) status for the provision of Security Guarding

There are many benefits of choosing an ACS Accredited security provider. Approved Contractors are fully and demonstrably committed to customer service and to ensure the licensing of their staff. The ACS Standard is wide ranging and examines holistically how well a security provider is managed as an organisation, and their annual assessments means that you can rely on the quality of the services you receive and rest assured that best practices are applied at all times.

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The SafeContractor scheme assesses the health and safety competency of contractors. The scheme is designed to review and audit the health and safety policies, procedures and documentation of contractors and ensure that there is suitable and sufficient health and safety compliance within the organisation. Securteam is committed to ensuring the health and safety, and security, of our customers, our operatives and all individuals and members of the public that engage with our services. We are delighted to work to the high standards of the SafeContractor scheme.


SafePQQ is an extension of the SafeContractor health and safety contractor management system and aligns to the requirements of PAS91. Going beyond health and safety, SafePQQ demonstrates that Securteam Limited is a safe, ethical and sustainable company and confirms our commitment to corporate social responsibility, minimising environmental impact, quality, financial stability and data protection. SafePQQ verifies information covering finance, anti-bribery, environment, GDPR, quality management, right to work, equality, modern slavery, and references.

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